
CTMM membership is required for the Marathi Shala enrollment. 
For membership click here.

Admissions are only available to students from kindergarten to 12th grade. No admission for adult students at this time. 
Cut-off age: 5 years old on or before October 1st of the school year.
Cut-off age: for admission for Kilbil level: 10 years or younger before October 1st of the school year.
Class grades are assigned based on the student’s age and level of understanding.
Registration Forms and Payment Details to be shared in the1st week of Sep.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at (mention CTMM Marathi Shala in Subject).
Shala location:
Wapping Community Church
1790, Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT 06074
Tons of thanks to our Shala coordinators and volunteers –
Deepam Thawali (South Windsor branch)
Nupur Kulkarni (South Windsor branch)
Asawari Narkar (Fairfield branch)
Please note a late fee will be charged after 9/2/2024.